Terms and conditions

The following historical pictures representing the family, the composer George Stephănescu, the work and creation of the painter Gabriel Stephănescu-Arephy, the sketches, aquarelles or the plans of the architect Victor Stephănescu, other documents or pictures of objects which belonged to personal archive of Mrs Ilinca Stefănescu-Neagu. The reproduction of the above without a previous written permission of the family represents the infringement of the right to personal image. Also any other reference or association of name, in printing, video, audio or virtual, by writing or image, on any material suport, to the family name Stephănescu, to the life and the work of their members, to the places of the family as they are indicated in this virtual monograph, without the previous accept, expres and in writing of the family, represents an infringement of the right for the personal image.
For any other information or for the granting of the permission to use them, please write by the contact page.